Theatrical Mining Company has produced two of Susan Middaugh's full-length plays, A Modern Pas de Deux and Black Widows, for the Baltimore Playwrights Festivals. Next Stage Press has published Black Widows. 18 of her 10-minute plays have had productions by 34 theater companies in the U.S., Canada and England. They include the Source Theatre; Shelterbelt Theatre; the Arts Center, Carrboro; Onstage Atlanta; Fells Point Corner Theatre; the Magnetic Theater, Stone Soup Theatre; Barrington Stage; The Strand Theater; Shandaken Theatrical Society; the Open Hydrant Theater Company; Arena Players Theater; Short Attention Span Theater; Dorset Players; Greenbrier Valley Theatre; Lebanon Community Theatre and Wasatch Theatre Company among others. Her full length play, Feeble-Minded White Trash, was a finalist in the 2024 Waterworks Festival at Live Arts Theatre in Charlottesville, VA. She is a longtime member of the Dramatists' Guild and the New Play Exchange. Susan lives in the Baltimore suburbs.
WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA MORE ABOUT ME My two favorite things to do when not doing theater are singing in a chorus and hiking with the Mountain Club of Maryland. If I could bring one change to theater, it would be to encourage theaters that say they believe in diversity to produce plays about people with disabilities. I overcome disappointment by seeing other people's plays and by seeking out other submission opportunities. I keep doing theater because there are more stories that my characters want to tell. WHAT I'M WORKING ON I'm working on creating short plays about substance abuse and the impact it has had on individuals and their parents based on interviews that I conducted here in Maryland. KEYWORDS' social justice, Irish Catholic, plays that reflect the society in which we live Comments are closed.
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